Thursday, October 22, 2009


He is 2 months old today...
He is 13+ lbs and 23 inches...
He has almost grown out of his 0-3 month clothes...
He is almost in size 2 diapers...
He drinks about 5oz every 2 hours...
He is getting very strong leg and arm muscles...
He is gaining awesome neck control...
He has a gorgeous smile...
He still gets a bit cross-eyed when trying to focus...
He is sleeping through the night...
He is a major cuddler...
He doesn't let his mama get anything done while he's awake...
He often pees in his own face during diaper changes...
He uses his tightly clenched hands as lint traps...
He enjoys his baths from Gangy...
He's the chunker I always hoped for...
He's slowly winning over his big brother (keyword being slowly)...
He is...

We are so happy to have Finn in our family. It has been a MAJOR adjustment, but it's definitely worth it. It's crazy getting to know a whole new person. He has so many differences from Killian already. I can't wait to learn more about who he is and what he's like. So far he is pretty sweet (as long as we do exactly what he wants). I love our morning couch cuddle time. I love how solid he is - not fragile like most babies his age. I am happy that we made it through the toughest part! (The first month, in my opinion, is kind of hell.) I am usually a bit eager for him to be older (like 6+ months), but sometimes I wish he would slow down.
I love you, Finny Finn Finn!


Jen said...

You got the chunker this time, yea! Our little gal is petite so far. I hoping she starts packing on the pounds soon. Can't wait to meet Finn and squeeze his squishness.
PS. I hope you don't mind, I have your blog as a link on our blog:

Jean said...

Wow, two months already!! I sure love the little Finnster. I was a little surprised when I read that he's over 13 pounds, thinking he's really big, but then I checked Weston's baby book and saw that he was over 14 pounds at two months. Hahaha!! We make football players. Yay for us.

daMawma said...

With any baby, no matter how experienced you are, that first month is a killer. You're doing just fine. He's a keeper!