Friday, August 21, 2009

Want to Be a Winner?

There is a chance that I will be induced tomorrow, August 22nd. That could mean that the baby would arrive on the 22nd or the 23rd, depending on how everything goes. Of course there's a chance that I will be sent home without an induction, but we're trying to think positively :)

So now it's time to make your guesses! Just leave a comment with your answers numbered 1-7 to go along with the questions below. Whoever gets the most answers correct will get a prize. (The prize is yet-to-be-determined, but will be very desirable. Everyone will envy you.)

1) When will Carlin boy #2 arrive? (the date)
2) What time will he arrive? (exact time, including am/pm)
3) What will his first name be?
4) What will his middle name be?
5) How much will he weigh?
6) How long will he be? (from head to feet)
7) Will he have visible hair on his head?

We will keep you posted with pictures and information as soon as we can, but you must get your answers in beforehand!! SO HURRY UP THE CAKES!


Jeremy Magland said...

1. Aug 22, 2010 (JK, 2009)
2. 1:26pm
3. Pasquale
4. Thurgood
5. 8lbs 2oz
6. 21 in
7. yes

Unknown said...

1. August 22, 2009
2. 2:41 PM
3. Guillermo.
4. Tickle-stain
5. 530 lb.
6. 6' 11"
7. Heck Yeah!

Jay said...

I'm sorry...but BRETT WINS! You can't beat answers like that!

Christine said...

1. August 23rd (sorry!)
2. 12:04 am
3. Buddy
4. Jason
5. 8 lbs. 7 oz. (again, sorry!)
6. 19 1/2 inches
7. Yes. Red. Flaming red. Just kidding... dark brown/black.

Good Luck, and may the best (and most rightest) answers win!

Jean said...

1. Aug 22
2. 10:17 PM
3. Elrond
4. Gloin
5. 8 lb 4 oz
6. 20.5 inches
7. Yes!

Good luck tomorrow!!!! Woot WOOT! :-)

daMawma said...

1. August 23, 2009
2. 4:45 am
3. Otis
4. Gizzard
5. 7 lb 2 oz
6. 19 inches
7. Heck yeah, with curls you can pull away and they will bounce right back

Unknown said...

Well at least I know I would've won if this were Jay's blog...

Master Jeremiah said...

1: "tommorrow!" (actually the 22)
2: 4:30 pm
3: Jermaine
4: James
5: 7 lbs 10 oz
6: 18.5"
7: no, but he'll have teeth!

janaemadsen said...

1. Born August 25
2. 5:15 A.M.
3. Teagan
4. Jamaine
5. 9 lbs 2 oz
6. 21.2 in
7. yes

janaemadsen said...

I think you should name him Quinn. That is an awesome name.