Monday, July 27, 2009

Killian's 2nd Birthday

Killian turned 2 on July 17th. I can't believe that he has been in our lives for 2 whole years, but I am very grateful for him. He has certainly made life more interesting! We spend literally hours every day just watching him and marvelling at each new thing he does and says. I know all parents think they have the smartest/cutest kid in the world - but we really do! He drives me crazy - especially now that the terrible 2's have officially started (and how!) - but it's worth it for all the joy he brings to my life on a daily basis. I know I'm being one of "those" moms who goes on and on raving about her kid, but I don't often do this on my blog - so deal with it (or double stuff yourself).

As we're gearing up for baby boy #2, we've been watching old videos of Killian and looking at pictures of him from his infant days. It kind of makes me nervous for the new baby, for a couple of very different reasons. First, I'm nervous because I remember how scary it was bringing home a new baby and having NO clue about what to do with it. I'm nervous about the lack of sleep. I'm nervous about my abilities as a mom with 2 little boys. The second category to my nervousness is that I fear the next baby won't be as cool as Killian. I have posed the question to Jay and our families - "What if the next one is a dud??" Seriously, what if he's spacey? What if he waits until after he's 9 months-old to walk? What if he doesn't talk/cuss until he's 2? Or, god forbid, what if he's ugly? (I know that makes me sound like a terrible person, but again, I invite you to double stuff yourself.)

But I'm not only nervous - I am very excited for this next chapter in our lives. Killian is a very cool kid, and if the next one is half as cool as him, we'll have no problems. I have to say that this past year of Killian's life has felt more rewarding, for lack of a better word. It's so nice to talk to him and have him respond. It's nice to get a "thank you" every now and then, and super nice to hear, "I yuv you, mama!" And his new thing this week - he'll come up to me wherever I am and ask, "What doin'? What doin', Mama?"

This next year of his life is going to be a crazy one, I'm sure. Terrible 2's. Adjusting to a baby brother. Potty-training. Getting kicked out of our bed. Getting the teeth that he is still missing. It will surely be trying on my nerves, but I am positive that I love him enough to get through the tough stuff! (If not, he can tell me to double stuff myself.)

And now a buttload of pictures from his birthday for you all to enjoy!
In his Superman pj's. Be prepared to see a lot of this face in his pics!
A rare picture of a genuine smile, rather than his cheesy picture smile.

He requested a hamburger for his birthday dinner. We were surprised because we never saw him eat a hamburger, but we thought he should have what he wanted for his birthday. It took a ton of french fries and 20 minutes of me telling him that hamburgers taste like meatloaf for him to eat half of the burger. (Which is kind of funny because it takes my mom 20 minutes of telling Brett that meatloaf tastes like hamburgers to get him to eat it!)
One of Killian's gifts: temporary tattoos! He gets really excited at the idea of wearing them, then freaks out as if I'm pouring acid on his arm while applying them, and then shows the end result to every person he sees.
Unwrapping what looks like a ghost of some sort? I don't know what the camera was doing there.
His favorite gift from us - a set of Fisher Price Little People with an amusement park - a gift that cost me only $5 at Salvation Army and came with tons of toys. SCORE! (I wish birthdays would always be this easy.)
(He hasn't gotten over the excitement of these toys yet!)
I love this picture of Killian with Jay.
The star birthday cake I made for Killian.
Killian had a very hard time blowing out the candles. He kept making an "f" sound, so there was more saliva escaping his mouth than air. At one point Jay said, "Get it!" and Killian translated that to mean that he should grab the flames. Luckily Jay has cat-like reflexes and there was no burn incident. In this picture it looks like Killian's about to bite the flame.
Jay went to get a knife to cut the cake, and Killian almost didn't wait for him to get back before eating!

SURPRISE!! It's a rainbow cake inside!!

(That cake took me over an hour to WILL look at more pictures of it befor I move on to the next topic.)

Success! Killian loved the cake!

After eating his cake, getting cleaned up and playing with his Little People for a while longer, Killian literally passed out on the floor behind me.

The tuckered-out 2 year-old.

And now the next day, when we had his birthday bash with our families:

His lips are fluorescent orange from the 2 sippy cups of orange soda that he ingested. I can't describe the effect of the soda - maybe similar to crack? He was NUTS on orange soda. Every time he was asked a question he shrieked the response. Why did I allow him to have 2 sippy cups of orange soda? It was his GD birthday, back off! (Oh, and the present that he is so excited about in this picture is a keyboard & microphone from my parents. He LOVES putting the microphone into his mouth and making loud sounds - never actual words.)

This juicy caterpillar decided to make an appearance at the party. He was kind of a big deal. Luckily, no one ate or harmed the critter.

An unexpected reaction to receiving cash as a gift.

What happened when I tried to take the cash away from him to move onto the next gift.

Eating a slice of his 2nd birthday cake.

He had a very full and happy day. Unlike the night before, he stayed up much later than we anticipated. I blame the orange soda/crack.

And this one has nothing to do with his birthday, but I just thought it was cute. I love you, 2 year-old!


Jean said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaay for Killio!!!! A giant happy belated birthday to your little guy. What a fun time! Great food, great presents, great soda/crack... and holy freaking cow, GREAT birthday cake!!! I am very impressed. I don't even know how in the world you made a rainbow cake. Good job. :-) I can't believe he's 2 already!! And you have 23 days to go until your due date!! AHH! Crazy!!!

Chris said...

I'm definitely gonna need more blogs like this once I'm out in Utah! I love the picture when he's about to bite into his rainbow cake! It looks like he's posing for the picture, like an adult would do as a joke. What a funny kid!

Ami said...

ha that picture of you taking away the cash is priceless! Looks like he had an awesome bday!

daMawma said...

I like the happy photo of him in his Superman shirt. There's a lot of personality in that little body. Do you think he has figured out that he is special?

MC said...

Dana - what a great post - and what great photos. Boy, that kid is a little phenom.

Can't wait for the new little phenom to join our great family. Try to hold off (if that's even possible) until we get back from OBX! MC

Mary said...

How sweet is this post! You are a proud mommy as you should be :) When did Killian walk?? Little E is 9 months and he isn't walking yet...I feel like that is so early! But who knows...he isn't crawling either but is trying to...the doctor said he might skip crawling and go right to walking so we'll see! You are a great mommy and you will be just fine with your new cutie patootie :) Love you girl.

Bellamama said...

You crack me up! Happy birthday K!