Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can I Keep Him?

(This happened a few weeks ago, but I'm still entertained by it so I thought I woud share)

Ryan is on a kick right now of listing things that he has or is going to "eat". (Guess what the #1 most listed item is? If you guessed poop, of course you are correct and I congratulate you on knowing Ryan well enough to have guessed that.)
On this particular morning, we were getting ready to go to school. As I dressed Ryan, this is the list he came up with:
"I eat diaper."
"I eat poop."
"I eat pants."
"I eat socks."
"I eat shirt."
"I eat goldfish." (Which is, sadly, the truth; Ryan eats Golsfish crackers for breakfast every morning. But that deserves a seperate post altogether.)
"I eat Dana."
"I eat plate."
"I eat cup."
"I eat door."
"I eat baby."

I stopped him there. I said, "Ryan, don't eat the baby! I'd be sooo sad" and I pretended to be sad. His dry reply:

"I eat your sad....I eat your tears."

This kid has a very dark sense of humor....which I love about him. And I can't take credit for it - I don't think that's something that can be taught...but I will surely continue to cultivate that part of him!

1 comment:

Jean said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Ahh. Look out, Dana. He's going to not only eat your baby, but then devour your VERY TEARS. (He cracks me up!!)